This program is designed to help defray some of the high costs of hiring and training new workers while providing a practical, realistic work experience. Employees meet job standards because you train them on your equipment. It can be applied to either full or part time positions.
Job Seekers
Get your new career started today with our no-cost services.
Whether you need to find a job, change jobs or build your job skills, we provide expert guidance to make your search easier.
Career Planning.
Whether you are unemployed or underemployed, it can be difficult and overwhelming to decide where you need to start when looking for work. Once you register at our center, you will meet with an employment specialist for an initial assessment to discuss your goals and needs.
Resource Room
Our resource room offers a variety of services and resources to help job seekers find the right job and meet their career goals. These services include: information on job openings and labor market trends, career counseling, training opportunities, free workshops, and use of computers with high speed internet access, faxes, phones and copiers; as well as resume writing, interviewing skills and application processes.
Employment Counselors
Our employment counselors are available to work with individuals who have barriers to employment. They assist you in dealing with choice, change and adjustment in your career. Some examples may be how to best market your skills, issue raised due to lack of job opportunities in your field, change due to physical limitations, and how to look for work. Do you have something in your background that is a red flag to an employer, such as a criminal conviction? The counselor may be able to help you overcome the issues or help with learning how to work with them.Workshops: A wide variety of workshops are available.
Job Listings
A comprehensive list of jobs, ranging from entry level to professional.
For Veterans
We are proud to offer Priority of Service to veterans and their eligible spouses. If you served in the military, you will be served first by the next available staff member and given first priority for jobs and training for which you are eligible and qualified.
Veterans are valuable and needed members of the American workforce. The US Department of Labor wants to ensure that current and former military personnel have access to the career tools necessary to find good jobs with good wages and career pathways—especially after returning home from combat.
Exploring Options.
An important step of career planning is exploring occupations to learn what experience, education and skills they require and evaluating your own interests and abilities to see if there is a good match. Our staff can assist you in forming a career path by providing information on careers and conducting assessment tools to guide you to the right career. You can visit the center and request an appointment to meet with a counselor who will use a variety of techniques to assist you.
Transferable Skills Virtual Workshop
Transferable skills are qualities you have already acquired which can be used in a different job. Make it easy for employers to see the connection between your qualities and the skillset needed to do the job and market yourself as the solution to an employer’s problem. Learn ways to research the employer’s needs then identify and show them that you have these skills.
Resume Development Virtual Workshop
Your resume and cover letter are crucial components that can set you apart from other candidates when applying for a job. This workshop will present the basics of a powerful and effective cover letter including formatting, tailoring to the job, and getting through the online application process to land an interview. Please bring a rough draft of your resume.
Interview Preparation Virtual Workshop
A job interview is the opportunity for an employer to see if you are a good fit for the position and the company – and it’s a chance for you to see if they fit your needs as well. This workshop will discuss how to articulate your strengths, what questions to expect, how to address difficult topics, and acing the entire interviewing process.
Social Media Virtual Workshop
Your social media presence can make or break your ability to find a job. Don’t let your digital footprint hold you back. Learn how to use social media to your advantage in searching for a job and marketing yourself to land the job or career you’ve always wanted.
Goal Setting Virtual Workshop
Goals are what take us forward in life. They are the first step to every journey we take. In this workshop we will explain how goal setting works, why goals are important, and take home more helpful resources to get you started. Remember: “if you aim for nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” Find out how to reach your dreams.
Overcoming Barriers Virtual Workshop
Join us for this informal glimpse into potential stumbling blocks to finding a job and some resources and strategies to help you meet your goals. Whether you’re facing transportation needs, childcare needs, prior justice system involvement, inexperience, health concerns, or more – we’re here to help connect you to resources!
Completing Job Apps Virtual Workshop
Statistics show that approximately 50% of mid-sized companies and almost all large corporations use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to screen candidates for job opportunities. Find out how you can prepare and hear suggestions for getting the most visibility out of your online application.
Basic Computer Workshop
This workshop is designed for people who need to learn the basics of operating a computer. Topics to be covered will include how to turn on a computer and how to use the mouse. No computer skills are needed prior to taking this workshop
Metrix Orientation
Metrix is a supplemental online training that is offered to our customers. There are over 5,000 classes available. You will receive a username and password as well as learn how to navigate the system to choose the classes that you want.
Please check our calendar for an up-to-date schedule of offerings every month.
To register for any of the workshops please call the Workforce Career Center at 518.842.3676.
Develop Skills
Resume Writing
Interviewing Skills
Soft Skills
Computer Skills
Leadership Development
Job Searching
Overcoming Barriers
Goal Setting
In-Person Training.
In the Classroom
Funding for classroom instruction may be offered to eligible customers to improve their skills or learn a new skill to accomplish their careers goals. Funding for training is provided in occupations with a high probability for placement and retention. Classroom training programs are subject to change based on the local economy, local labor market conditions and the availability of federal funding. Training agencies and training programs must be on the Eligible Training Providers List.
NYS Department of Labor
Metrix Online Learning
Center Intake Forms
Coursera Online Training
Metrix Learning Handbook
Ready to find the right career for you?
Our Workforce Advisors are knowledgeable, experienced workforce professionals that can serve as your personal advisor throughout your job search! Your Workforce Advisor will provide you with one-on-one, individual attention and work with you to prepare for and find the right job.